Thursday, 17 November 2016



Laura Mulvey- "As erotic objects of desire for the characters within the story, and as erotic objects of desire for the spectator." (Mulvey, 1975) 

David Gauntlett- "Images of the conventionally rugged, super-independent, extra-strong macho man still circulate in popular culture." (Gauntlett, 2002) 

Makillion 2002- In 2002 Mackillion said males are now used in the similar way as women, in so far as they are being presented as sex objects and are seen to be more image conscious and sensitive. 

How males are represented in the media
Males in the media are represented as masculine, strong and heroic. The representation in the media of males is that they should have a body with abs, and look perfect. However things such as certain adverts, and magazines e.g. sport adverts, and perfume adverts, they're specifically aimed at men. Men are represented to be this brave, powerful character, and the females are their objects/property. Overall in the media, men are the more dominate, powerful ones. However although it is still extremely sexist, men are also in the media starting to be sexualised. 

How females are represented in the media

In the media women are represented more like sex objects, compared to men. Women are seen as weak, powerless and objects. The 'traditional' role that women fit into is also like they should be in the kitchen, or doing the typical wife role. An example of this is cleaning/food product adverts, it shows women doing the mom role, it shows sexism. 
Another point to make is the way women are portrayed in adverts such as perfume adverts, they are almost naked and have the perfect image, his is specifically to attract men and appeal to them. Music videos are a good example to, women are also treated like objects or are not regarded in them. Blurred lines 

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